Thursday, April 13, 2017

Downtown Denver Day! Make your plans now!

Downtown Denver Day        Wednesday, May 17        9:00-3:15
Hello Parents!  The IA has set aside Wednesday, May 17 for our annual “Downtown Denver Day”.  During this day parents take small groups of students to one or two highlights our great city has to offer. Each advising needs a number of  parents willing to plan, provide transportation, and run a trip.  Students are being asked to bring in $10 to cover costs and to pack a sack lunch.  We want all students to be able to attend this day, so it is important we know if there are enough parents willing to help out (if not, we will have school as usual that Friday).  We have convenient access to the light rail from JCOS for those who want to utilize that transportation.
Some places  you might consider visiting:

Please let me know as soon as possible if you can be part of this great adventure!

Your name:__________________________________phone #__________________
# of students you can take: ___________________________________
Where you will go and how you will get there: ____________________

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