Monday, October 7, 2013

Can you help us on Durbin Day?

Gabi's advising and Jeffco Open is looking to have a community wide blood drive on November 22, 2013 (Durbin Day).  If you are 16 years old or older and meet the other medical guidelines, we would be honored to have you as part of our Durbin Day of Giving. 28 staff members have already signed their name to the "interest poll" provided by Bonfils Blood Center. We only need 12 more signatures in order to qualify for a mobile blood drive at our school.  If you, or anyone you know, would be willing to add your name to the "interest poll" to help us meet the 40 person minimum, please email your name and phone number to Gabi at

Medical Guidelines:
18 years old or over (or 16 years old with parental consent)
Weigh between 110-350 pounds.
Be in general good health

Have not have a body peircing or tattoo within the last twelve months

If we are able to have enough volunteers, our family group will be promoting the blood drive, encouraging participation, providing cookies and juice to donors, and making thank-yous for participants.

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